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Welcome to silver & stone jeweller workshops.

Cancellation policy

Class and workshop cancellation policy

If you have registered for a class (not including the 4 day workshops) and find you need to withdraw for any reason: you are able to reschedule if you give 7days notice prior to your class.
There are no refunds for workshops and classes being cancelled as all metals and products are purchased for your placement once your class is booked. 
if you pay your deposit for a 4 day workshop and then decide to withdraw 4 weeks beforehand you forfeit your deposit unless you find someone else to take your place and they pay the full amount. 
if you pay the deposit instead of the full payment for a 4 day workshop, the remaining amount of monies are due 3 weeks before the first day of your workshop. If you cannot make your workshop and it’s within the 3 weeks (21 days) you can possibly reschedule if I’m able to fill that missed place. Otherwise you forfeit the full amount. 
If for some reason the teacher is sick or unable to teach for your class or workshop, you can choose to have a full refund or reschedule your class dates. We are NOT responsible for any money lost for you taking time off work, accommodation or anything else if we have to cancel the workshop. Although we do our best to make sure our students are looked after and we try our best to make sure it’s a very good reason why we would have to cancel class. It is never something we take lightly, and we dislike letting our students down. Unfortunately things happen and it’s a risk you take when booking a class or workshop with any business.